Compleo's contribution to the climate turnaround
The result of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, i.e. the climate crisis, is one of the biggest challenges of our time. The EU wants its member states to reduce carbon emissions by 55% by 2030 and become completely climate-neutral by 2050. Germany, too, has only recently introduced even more stringent climate targets. By 2030, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 65% compared to 1990. Furthermore, Germany wants to become completely climate-neutral by 2045.
Compleo makes an important contribution towards fulfilling these ambitious climate targets. As providers of high-quality charging stations and electric mobility solutions we are helping to make this transition towards a “green future” a reality and to make emission-free mobility possible.
ESG strategy until 2027
In its operational day-to-day business Compleo sets itself ambitious targets defined through a comprehensive ESG strategy. The strategy is divided into three key fields of action.
In the first field of action “Governance and integrity”, we look at aspects of sound corporate governance, compliance-relevant issues and our own responsibility within the supply chain.
In the second field of action “Employees”, we consistently endeavour to provide good work and fair remuneration to our employees, to protect their health and safety and to train the next generation of employees at Compleo.
In the third field of action “Environment and products”, we assess the impact we make in terms of energy and emissions, sustainability and safety of our products as well as our innovations.
We have set nine main targets and 25 additional targets for all topics. For every target, a catalogue of more than 100 measures has been put in place. We measure success in terms of achieving our targets using more than 60 quantitative key performance indicators (KPIs).